Saturday, November 12, 2011

Cirque du Soleil's Totem (4 out of 5 cupcakes)

I love me some Cirque.  These clowns aren't scary.  Animals aren't abused.  And the guys are HOT!  But really, it was fantastic.

It's advertised as "a fascinating journey into the evolution of mankind" and it is just that.  It jumps back and forth through time, showing beautifully choreographed snippets of our history.  I was disappointed that there wasn't really a story to follow:  it was more of a series of short skits.  But those skits were fascinating!

Some highlights were the woman with the amazing abs, the Chinese girls on the unicycles tossing bowls onto their heads, Native American hoop dancing, and the group of Russian looking men who carried tall poles on their shoulders while their friends did tricks off off of them.  My absolute favorite was the couple falling in love on the trapeze.  Their performance was beautifully choreographed and seamlessly executed.  I was totally charmed.  Although I have to say that some moments were a bit racy for small kids.  Many of the players stripped down to their skivies in order to do their stunts after a bit of acting and there were a few instances of subtle lovemaking.  I suppose this is necessary if mankind was to evolve, huh?  I'm not complaining (actually it was great), but it may not be appropriate for some kids.  Everybody will love the hilarious clowns and the beautiful music.  If I haven't convinced you to go yet, I have three words for you:  Rollerskating Native Americans.

I'd like to send a special shout out to all of the people who worked on this was expertly designed.  You all gotta check out the engineering on that stage...super genius!  Thanks to my best friend for an awesome Christmas gift!!

Hey check this out!

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